
Our Services

While most people know us for the container sales and hire business we also offer a number of other great services that utilize our specialist knowledge, expertise and experience in the shipping container industry.

Rent to Own

Buying your shipping container is simple with Rent-to-Own. Perfect for families or businesses whose budget constraints mean an outright purchase is not a practical option, Rent–to–Own allows customers to essentially rent a factory-new one-way trip container, which, after an agreed-upon term, becomes theirs.

How Rent To Own Works

Rent to Own is available in one, two, and three-year terms. We require a 20% deposit and first months rent paid in advance with a small interest rate applied. After the term has lapsed and payments completed, the shipping container is yours!

Container Modification


At, we love shipping container modification projects and have helped many customers with container modifications for years. Shipping containers can be converted into anything from sleepouts and workshops to retail spaces, coffee shops, and more. Modified shipping containers can be a cost-effective and practical solution since they are extremely robust, durable, versatile and transportable. The only limitation to what can be done is one’s own imagination and (of course) the budget.

How Rent To Own Works

Shipping container modification work can be done using any of our 10ft, 20ft and 40ft standard or insulated units at standard height or high cube height (1ft taller). They can also be used in combination for larger-scale projects like portable buildings or portable workshops. Walls can be removed, a variety of window and door options are available (including roller doors or sliding doors) – the possibilities are basically endless so get in touch with our specialist team today and we’ll work with you to turn your container modification dream into a reality.

Container storage

Full Container Load Storage allows you to free up space in your workplace or home by utilizing our site to store your shipping container for the short, medium, or long term. Our Container Storage is ideal for Import Containers when space is limited or non-existent at your premises. 

Heading overseas?

We can deliver a container to you and leave it with you for as long as you need to load it up with your belongings. We will then pick it up and store it for you until required back at your original address. Alternatively, we can arrange relocation to a new address. You are also welcome to arrange your  transport to our site.

For Export Containers, we can store your box on site prior to heading overseas – we can even arrange delivery to the port for you. Not importing, exporting or going anywhere? Just have too much stuff and not enough space for it? We can help you out with that too! Perfect if you need to store belongings while renovating, selling your home, or relocating. Our containers vary in size so whether it’s a full 3 bedroom home you need to store the contents of, or smaller household or workplace overflow, we have a solution!

Once secured on site, access to your stored goods can be granted by prior arrangement.

Shipping Container Relocations

The transport and removal of shipping containers has been a core part of our business for many years and Shipping Container Relocations has become an important service for our customers. 

Moving your home or business with a shipping container

Why Choose Our Container Relocation Service?

Moving can be overwhelming, but Container Solutions aims to reduce this stress significantly. Unlike traditional moving methods, our service allows you to pack your belongings at your own pace. This eliminates the rush and anxiety tied to moving day logistics and rental truck deadlines. Not to mention, it’s an approach that can save you money in the long run.

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